Cure A Sore Throat Quickly When Swallowing

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Cure a Sore Throat Quickly When Swallowing

Why Does It Happen?

Many people experience sore throat when swallowing. It can be a result of dehydration, a cold, allergies, sinus infection, acid reflux, or a virus. It is important to know the underlying cause of the sore throat in order to treat it properly.

Treatments For Sore Throat When Swallowing

1. Stay Hydrated

Drinking plenty of fluids can help soothe your throat and keep it lubricated. Aim to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water a day. Additionally, you can try sucking on ice chips, drinking herbal teas, or gargling with warm salt water.

2. Use a Humidifier

Dry air can irritate the throat, so it can be helpful to use a humidifier to add moisture to the air. This can help relieve the soreness and make swallowing easier.

3. Try Over-the-Counter Medication

There are many over-the-counter medications available to help relieve sore throat. These include pain relievers, throat lozenges, and sprays. Be sure to read the directions for use and consult your doctor before taking any medication.

4. Gargle With Apple Cider Vinegar

Gargling with a mixture of apple cider vinegar and warm water can help to reduce inflammation in the throat. Simply mix 1-2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar into a cup of warm water and gargle for 10-15 seconds. Repeat a few times a day for best results.

5. Try Herbal Remedies

There are a variety of herbal remedies that can help to soothe a sore throat. Herbs such as licorice root, slippery elm, marshmallow root, and echinacea can all help to reduce inflammation and ease the pain. These herbs can be taken as teas, tinctures, or capsules.


Sore throat when swallowing is a common problem that can be treated with lifestyle changes, over-the-counter medications, and natural remedies. If symptoms persist, be sure to speak to your doctor for further investigation and treatment.


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